Avv. Giorgio Tarabini

Equity Partner

Born in Tirano on October 24, 1951, He received his law degree in 1977 from the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan and has been on the Sondrio Bar Register since June 18, 1979.
In carrying out his professional activity, both judicial, especially before the Regional Administrative Tribunals and the Council of State, and extrajudicial, he has gained specific expertise in the field of urban planning (also participating in the drafting of general planning instruments), landscape, environment, expropriation procedures, concessions of goods and services, and public works and supply contracts.
He has also gained specific experience in the energy field and, more specifically, in the district heating sector, providing his advice and assistance in the context of awarding procedures by and in the interest of public administrations, especially in the context of project financing at private initiative for the construction and management of plants powered mainly by renewable sources.
He is well-versed in the corporate field as well, contributing to the establishment of companies in the banking sector, to demerger, merger, transformation, and acquisition transactions, as well as in related contractual matters.
He has held training courses on administrative law topics accredited by the Sondrio Bar Association and the Insubria Administrative Chamber.

Lingue straniere/Languages: Inglese