The "Independent Authorities," established based on the experience of Anglo-Saxon regulatory bodies, are characterized by a particular degree of autonomy compared to traditional Italian administrative models.
Each authority has specific tasks and different roles; some are also endowed with regulatory, sanctioning, and quasi-judicial powers.
Among the Authorities with which the Firm is most frequently confronted, they deserve to be specifically mentioned, due to the particular impact of their work on the connective tissue in which medium and large-sized companies operate,
the Autorità Nazionale Anticorruzione (ANAC) [National Antibribery Authority], the Autorità di Regolazione per Energia Reti e Ambiente (ARERA) [Regulatory Authority for Energy, Networks and the Environment] (ARERA), the Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa (CONSOB) [National Security and Exchange Commission] the Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato [Competition and Market Authority] (AGCM), the Autorità per la Regolazione delle Comunicazioni (AGCOM) [Communications Authority] and the Autorità di Regolazione dei Trasporti [Transport Regulation Authority].
The firm pays constant attention to the in-depth study of the ongoing regulatory developments concerning the structure and powers of these bodies.
VILDE ensures its clients the broadest protection both within the proceedings initiated by the authorities themselves and through appeals to the competent court against the determinations and sanctions issued by these authorities.